Car Accident Lawyers
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Forney and Rockwall Civil Litigation Attorney
Guest and Gray Law Firm is the highest rated local law firm for both Rockwall and Kaufman counties. Our main offices are located in Rockwall off of T.L. Townsend just passed the Rockwall County Court House and our Forney location is located in old downtown Forney off of Bois D’Arc St., in the old bank building. We strive to obtain outstanding results for our all of our cases. Our support staff is hardworking and knowledgeable strives to put you at ease during tenuous times.
Being involved in litigation is never a person or businesses goal. However, sometimes circumstances make it impossible to avoid a lawsuit without giving up substantial rights and, in most cases, money.
Guest and Gray, P.C. is one of the only full service law firms in the Kaufman and Rockwall county areas. When it comes to providing service to our clients, we have the attorneys to provide excellent legal counsel in just about any area of law. Our practice areas include:
- Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
- Family law and Divorce
- Estate Planning
- Contested Wills
- Breach of Contract
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty
- Truck Accidents
- Civil Defense
- Real Estate Litigation
- Probate
- Flat Rate Wills
- Business Law
- Debt collection
- Fraud
- Civil Assault
- Oil Field Accident
- Asset Sales Agreements and Acquisitions
- Eminent Domain
- Easements
- Forcible Detainer and Eviction Actions
- Child Custody
- Construction Law
- Criminal and Civil Appellate Cases
- And many more!
There is no other law firm in Forney or Rockwall, Texas that can get you the results you need for your specific case. The only areas that we do not currently handle are debt defense and bankruptcy law.
If you have a legal problem, Guest and Gray, P.C. is the law firm for you. Our lawyers are local and proven. We live where we work and work where we live. Forney and Rockwall counties are where we call home. Most of our lawyers were raised here in Kaufman and Rockwall counties and this is where we want to be. We love our local communities and look forward to serving you and the community for a long time! CALL GUEST AND GRAY, P.C. NOW! (972) 564-4644.