
Accident on 80


Mesquite Wrongful Death Attorneys

In Texas, when a loved one is tragically killed as a result of someone else’s negligence, certain family members such as a surviving spouse, child and even parents may bring a wrongful death claim. The estate may also bring a survival claim for damages the deceased suffered prior to their…


Mesquite Personal Injury Lawyers

Guest and Gray Law Firm has helped countless injured Mesquite residents receive compensation for the injuries they sustained in automobile, motorcycle and trucking accidents. We are committed to serving Mesquite and the surrounding Garland and Balch Springs area residents who have been injured through no fault of their own. Mesquite…


Rockwall: Big Houses, The Lake and Traffic

Rockwall is known for a lot of things. Everyone knows that Rockwall is usually acclaimed to be the Wealthiest County in Texas. Although there are short periods, often during oil booms, that Rockwall is unseated from that throne, Rockwall is always near the top. Why? Because it is close to Dallas…


Guest and Gray: Dedicated to Serving Kaufman County

Guest and Gray Law Firm is committed to serving Kaufman county and its residents who have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. We get it. Lawyers, in general, get a bad rap. We are portrayed on TV as money hungry people who will do anything to get…


Dog Bites Are The Worst: An Overview of Texas Law on Dog Attacks

Ever been bitten by a dog? It is not very much fun. The personal injury lawyers at Guest and Gray Law Firm are keenly aware of this fact. Over the years, Guest and Gray Law Firm has helped victims of dog bites recover top dollar against negligent dog owners. For…


2017 Texas Fatal Accident By Holiday Statistics

The headline is a misnomer. Lets just scratch that, its pretty much bad and ugly. Texas has some pretty bleak accident statistics when it comes to the holidays, especially Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. The Texas Department of Transportation collects fatal crash statistics for travel periods, not just the…


Kaufman and Rockwall UPS Truck Accident Lawyer

This time of year, it is not uncommon to see UPS drivers dashing from stop to stop delivering packages, like Santa trying to make it to every child before Christmas morning. Just last week I was driving on Highway 175 towards Kemp and I saw a UPS delivery truck driving…


Subrogation Issues In Kaufman and Rockwall County Personal Injury Cases

Subrogation. The word itself is strange and seems scary to the uninformed. However, it is a very common legal tool for health insurance companies to recoup monies that they have paid out when their insured has been injured due to the negligence of a third party, i.e. a car or…


Kaufman County Personal Injury Lawyers

Guest and Gray is Kaufman County’s premier personal injury law firm. Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers and knowledgeable staff work hard on a daily basis to fight for the rights of Kaufman county’s injured accident victims. As Kaufman county continues to grow at a record pace, Guest and…

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